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Dinner and a Movie

 Julia Bicho Crime Under the Human Eye Various Objects and Materials are a candle, red wine bottle, glass of wine, sunglass case, cigarettes, plate, fork, spoon, and a knife. Inspired by the movie Goodfellas (1990) This photo represents the glamourized life of organized crime, which has been an issue in the United States since the beginning. As most people know, America is known as a "melting pot" where every person is a mix of different ethnicities. Due to this, the country is known for favoring certain ethnic groups, for those who are the minority typically have a harder time making a living which is why they create organizations to help each other out. Over time, as these organizations grew, they went from helping each other out to breaking laws in order to get the earnings they want. The dark colors that are included in this photo represent the stereotype of Italians. The candle is set to create an intense lighting for the scene to establish the underground theme. The win

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